Implant Dentures Eugene

Reliable Dentures That Don’t Slip

While traditional dentures remain a trusted method of tooth replacement, it’s hard to ignore the fact that they can potentially slip while you’re eating or speaking. If you want to ensure that your new teeth stay in place at all times, Dr. Paskalev has the solution in the form of implant dentures. You can enjoy the benefits of a lifelike prosthesis that stays anchored to your mouth thanks to expertly placed dental implant posts. Reach out today if you would like to learn more about implant dentures in Eugene at College Hill Dental.

Why Choose College Hill Dental for Implant Dentures?

  • Dental Implants Placed In-Office
  • Sedation Options for Soothing Dental Anxieties
  • Friendly, Welcoming Team Members

What Are Implant Dentures?

illustration of full implant dentures in Eugene

A traditional full denture rests on your gums while a traditional partial denture relies on clasps to hold it in place. Meanwhile, implant dentures are attached to screw-like dental implant posts that have been surgically inserted into your jaw. The number of dental implants used can vary from patient to patient. Being anchored to implant posts will give your dentures enhanced stability and chewing power.

Implant dentures can be designed in one of two ways: they can be permanently fixed in place, or they can be removable.

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

A fixed implant denture can only be taken out of your mouth by your implant dentist. Otherwise, it will stay attached to your dental implant posts 24/7. For many patients, this is a much more convenient option that allows them to take care of their new teeth the same way they would their natural teeth (i.e., by brushing and flossing). About four to eight implant posts are usually needed for fixed implant dentures.

Removable Implant Dentures

You can take a removable implant denture out of your mouth whenever you want. One of the advantages of this approach is that it makes it much easier to clean underneath the prosthesis. Another is that it typically requires fewer implant posts compared to fixed dentures. Sometimes only about two to five posts will be needed.

The Implant Denture Process

senior man with glasses sitting in dental chair

A consultation will be needed to confirm that you are a candidate for dental implants. After any necessary preliminary work is completed, we can perform the implant placement surgery, wherein the implant posts will be placed in carefully chosen locations in your jawbone. After the implants finish fusing with the jaw, abutments can be attached. The final dentures will be designed, and the abutments will be used to anchor them to the posts.

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

senior woman with hat sitting and smiling outside

If you have lost multiple teeth, implant dentures could be the key to restoring your smile again. To qualify for implant dentures, you need:

  • A healthy mouth that is free of gum disease.
  • A jaw with enough bone density for dental implants.
  • A willingness to commit to excellent oral hygiene.

Sometimes issues that are preventing you from having dental implants placed can be addressed with the right preliminary treatments. We can discuss any preparatory steps that might need to be taken during your initial consultation.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

illustration of implant dentures on lower arch
  • A new smile that both looks and feels natural.
  • The ability to eat all kinds of foods without issue.
  • Implant posts that will actively help prevent bone loss in the jaw.